
esign and energy blend in a process for which L5 Design, now a part of In-Vesica, was given the term "Psycho-ecological Design" in 1991.

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Psycho-ecological Design is the effective creation of environments that attempt to incorporate the multi-dimensional existence of our origin in Spirit. Design and energy blend in a process for which L5 Design was given the term Psycho-ecological Design by Spirit in 1990 through a reading facilitated by Rev. Raphael Azariel di Angelo.

New Age teachings are actually old teachings brought forth again. This knowledge is one of the sources of the process of psycho-ecological design: the Mind is not limited to the brain. We exist in Mind; our physical existence is within Mind.

Psycho-ecological Design identifies what nurtures a soul. The soul is the signature. The soul is the essence of life. This implies that there is a minimum of need to sustain the existence. Indeed, it is so. As a spark ignited the beginning of the earthly journey, so it is all that is necessary to carry it through to its completion.

Spirits are not complicated: it is the appearance in life that makes it seem so. The Light requires energy and sustenance. Psycho-ecological Design seeks to find that for each Light that requests this confirmation.

Welcome to an advanced approach to architectural design and a creative style of living. I aim to create some of the most exciting architectural environments designed to bring the best attributes into your home, office or development.

The Dungeon, Tortola, BVI

Virgin Gorda, BVI Ferry

Prospect Reef Design Option, Tortola, BVI

Doing business internationally as L5 ASSOCIATES, the firm has designed villas, residential homes, multiple dwelling units and commercial projects in the British Virgin Islands.

We embrace the unconventional to achieve a least impactful, unique and aesthetically pleasing environment. Using energies at a site, as if they were a mold into which we cast the desires of the owner, forges a place that is harmonious and appreciated. 

The Design of the Lives We Live

In-Vesica is the state of being where one addresses the physical world with resources from the inner world of spirit.

Our bodies are always changing.  A mixture of water and elements, physically, and on the atomic and the sub-atomic levels. Our bodies can be helped or harmed by our actions that  are determined by our choices.

We all have consciousness. We use it in varying degrees and reveal our spiritual awareness.

Ascension by Allison L. Williams Hill

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."1

The preceding may be too strong a statement for some from which they may shy away. 

It is through and with the body that we learn; grow; act; express; feel, and experience.

As we live, we are charged through experiences to grow and become the Greater Being.

Free Will Energy Per Your Request

From "...the Goddess of Liberty...

"...At the time when mankind were ready for embodiment, I was given the office of consecrating each lifestream chosen and dedicated by the Manu before entering physical birth, the consciousness of the soul at Inner Levels was charged with my words:

"You are at liberty, beloved, to take pure and primal life into the Earth Plane. You are at liberty, beloved, to call upon any and all of Us as you may choose to assist you when the momentums and energies of your own worlds seem not sufficient to handle conditions and to radiate the life to fulfill your Divine Plan."2

"We are not here to meet our Higher Self. We are here to become it."

Toronto Dowsers Newsletter

What is Psycho-ecological Design?

In-Vesica's metaphysical services were always used for L5 Design and L5 Associates (in the Caribbean) architectural and design work.

Psycho-ecological Design is the effective creation of environments that attempt to incorporate the multi-dimensional existence of our origin in Spirit. Design and energy blend in a process for which L5 Design was given the term Psycho-ecological Design by Spirit in 1991 through a reading facilitated by Rev. Raphael Azariel Francisco di Angelo.

Psycho-ecological Design is composed of two words: psychology and ecology. Psychology refers to the "...mind, mental phenomena, of, pertaining to, dealing with, or affecting the mind, esp. as a function of awareness, feeling, or motivation."(def.)

Ecology is the branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment, including other organisms. This definition is used in reference to an individual's multi-faceted existence in relation to his or her environment. 
The process involves identifying the user's needs using metaphysical methods not typically employed or associated with architectural design, or interior design.

The Work

The architecture and interiors for new construction and rehabilitation is no longer in its own web site. Using meditation and connecting with Spirit to create designs that solves problems demonstrate what In-Vesica is about in the slogan, "Do All Things In-Vesica."

Doing business internationally as L5 ASSOCIATES, the firm has designed villas, residential homes, multiple dwelling units and commercial projects in the British Virgin Islands.

In-Vesica embraces the unconventional to achieve a least impactful, unique and aesthetically pleasing environment. Using energies at a site, as if they were a mold into which we cast the desires of the owner, forges a place that is harmonious and appreciated.

An individual's energy is accessed to create environments they can appreciate because it is based on intimate information about them.  Biochemical issues, such as food and lifestyle choices, are addressed as extensively as the client permits. The Mind and Environment optimally coexist.

Several methods are used to optimize the power and quality of space such as feng shui, earth energy or geomancy, dowsing, and the use of sound and light in its multi-complex forms of color. Materials and methods are selected to help maintain an ecological balance. This results in personal dynamic environments that function wholistically. 

Any or a combination of these can be reinforced in patterns, colors, forms or light. These elements are then accessed through sight, touch, smell, or sound. Any or a combination of these will dissolve the barriers that separated the Spirit from Home. This will bring clarity through reassurance or through answers of what is asked in the place of Love and protection.

This triggered knowledge belongs to that one soul making this unique and personal. Wherever, whenever this soul goes, the memory of the process accompanies to be recalled at any time, anywhere. A brief quiet time would be adequate to bring peace, calm the emotional body and align energy for any purpose. Smiles have been known to slowly appear.

The design is not solely in the interior of a space, spaces, or objects in one's possession. It is in the Mind, where control is developed. Like a key in a lock, the tumblers align to open the way into what every soul knows. The Spirit could be devoid of all possessions and always connect with Home.

Psycho-ecological Design identifies what nurtures a soul, our spiritual nature. The soul is the signature.  The soul is the essence of life. This implies that there is a minimum of need to sustain its existence. Indeed, it is so.  As a spark ignited the beginning of the earthly journey, so it is all that is necessary to carry it through to its completion.

Humans live doing learning, work, and recreation. History has recorded what works

Spirit is not complicated: it is the appearance in life that makes it seem so. The Light requires energy and sustenance. Psycho-ecological Design seeks to find that for each Light that requests this confirmation.

Thought is memory.  What would support the Spirit to remember its origin?

The information could be found in mathematics and in a candle- gazing at a flame in meditation.  It could be found through gazing into crystal.  It could be color configuration.  The memory could be in recited or read words or sung notes. Any or a combination of these can be reinforced in patterns, colors, forms or light. Any or a combination of these will dissolve the  barriers that separated the Spirit from Home. 

Duration and Cost for the Service

Psycho-ecological design is a design process.  Duration depends on the size of the project.  Initial Cost: $200.00 for the first consultation and field visit. 

We thought geodesic domes were ideal for the Caribbean because of their form and hurricanes. The first level was depressed from grade to increase living space.


1. 1 Corinthian 6, International Bible, New Version,

2. Papistavros, Tellis, The Gnosis and the Law, Group Avatar, 3rd Printing, 1972, p. 210



Residential Interiors and Creative Caregiving

Feng Shui



Modern Cities

Disaster Preparedness


Living Altars


Past Life Regression


Viktor Schauberger

Theodor Schwenk


In-Vesica Health Program Approach

In-Vesica 6 Month Integrated Health Program


Visit Allison L. Williams Hill's In-Vesica Gallery Hosted by Art

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