Psychic Art

sychic  art is the ability to touch an  individual’s energy field and represent the images. One of them is Entura which  means “enter the aura”. One intuits the information and interprets them for a deeper understanding of self or for investigative purposes.

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I experienced Entura through Patricia Hayes at Delphi University. This is an interesting and exciting way to connect with the multiple levels of our being.  I use this process to create two-dimensional work for meditation and appreciation.  Some psychic art is shown below, some are linked to webpages.

Description of image Description of image Description of image Description of image
Feminine Energy
The Two
Description of image Description of image Description of image Description of image
Merge with Buddha
Nature II
Question I
Merge with Krishna
Description of image Description of image Description of image Description of image
Deeper Blue Dream
The Roam
Description of image Description of image Description of image Description of image
Ascension 1
Lighted Heart
Description of image Description of image Description of image Description of image
Thought Detail 2
Thought Detail 3
Thought Detail 4
Thought Detail 9
Description of image Description of image Description of image Description of image
Merge with River II
Merge with Water II
The Hermes Temple
Merge with Jesus
Description of image Description of image Description of image Description of image
Spirit of the Island I
Spirit of the Island II
Rainbow Bridge
Description of image Description of image Description of image

Mom's Psychic Art Gift

My mother was always an advocate of my work.  Many years ago,I thought she did what all mothers were supposed to do: support their children no matter how good or how bad they were. She has not seen my art work for several years.  I thought Mother's Day was a good time to create one and sent it to her. She said the first thing she thought of when she saw it was Angels.





Color Healing

Soul Portraits

Soul Life Reading

Energy Reading




Color and Blood



In-Vesica Health Program Approach

In-Vesica 6 Month Integrated Health Program


The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

Visit Allison L. Williams Hill's In-Vesica Gallery Hosted by Art

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