amily is a group of persons related by blood birth or granted by authority. People choose with whom they are related. Gangs are considered attempts at creating families. It is interesting that gangs are a choice. A reasonable leap here, and so is gender indication on birth certificates. People can now leave the sex of a newborn blank and check off gender neutral. When individuals grow up, they can choose what sex they want to be listed when they accept their gender or after sex reassignment. Given that there are only over one million transgender people out of three hundred million in the United States, it is worth noting that this was tracked through the US government.
What would you do for your family?
What would you expect your family to do for you?
Recently words that designate family members mother, father, sister brother - are being targeted for elimination because using them hurt people.
The US Birth and Certificates Department is considering to not list a newborn’s gender on a birth certificate. Limiting someone’s choice of identity harms beings. As homosexuals have been granted, albeit spotty internationally, to adopt children, there is an effort to change what we call each other established centuries ago. Who does this serve?
I created Family because several Family members are in Friends- Angels on Earth. It was time to separate them. More are coming. A brilliant cousin organized monthly Zoom meetings for cousins to share stories about their families. The histories and the experiences our elder relatives had were enthralling. Uncle Frank met Yasser Arafat. Because this Man of Peace met with people the US government thought were questionable, Uncle Frank had special attention paid by the Internal Revenue Service. They found nothing untoward.
Uncle Frank was a minister, one who had a quiet countenance. When he spoke at Uncle Sam’s funeral, void of theatrics, I felt that he was speaking directly to me and to every single person in the church.
Aunt Ernestine was a school teacher. She later became a minister. You can read more about Aunt Ernestine.
Aunt Ernestine and Uncle Winifred Robinson
Then there is my cousin John W. Robinson. Mom told me that when James,
my father, his maternal uncle, visited father’s family, I was crying and
I was passed to Grandma Theodocia. I was comfortable with her and
stopped crying. She also told me that it happened with Bob, his
nickname. She said he took care of me, saw to my every need. He’s an
amazing man. He retired as a chemist; he taught himself how to program and was successfully creating software, and learned photography. John produces extraordinary images.
I assumed on the responsibility of creating the family
website. More than a reposit of family information, it will serve to
include aspirations; advice; personal professional development, and
JR Soul Portrait by Allison L. Williams Hill
Grandma, Theodocia Williams
I feel that there are many more spiritual beings in service who wish to
support humanity. The video “Extended Family II” is a visual of the
possibility of where our Spiritual Family resides. They are unseen, so
virtually any image I placed in the video can serve as a place they may
be because they are invisible.
Third dimensional eyes are
challenged when it comes to seeing Spirit. Many people can do it.
Raphael attempted to describe it to me so that I may see spiritual
beings. He said to breathe deeply and slowly. When using physical eyes,
lower eyelids and de-focus.
"Cradled" by Allison L. Williams Hill
The nuclear family was the tag name given in the modern era to families comprised of parents and their offspring only. An extended family has several generations living together in the same dwelling. Some families have returned to including a grandparent or two in their households because of high nursing home costs and/or for the desire to have them near.
And, some families pray to or meditate on selected, perhaps generally known, religious or spiritual beings of choice. However, there are many more spiritual beings in service who wish to be of support to humanity.
We connect through the heart's intelligence to the Divine Creator. That feeling - Love -connects us to all dimensions of consciousness of incarnate and dis-incarnate beings - our Extended Family. The Hermetic Principle "As Above, So Below; As Below, So Above" means to bring Heaven to Earth. Remember our spiritual origin while we are here because Spirit is already here for us.
From James: "It is not about action and words; it is about the feeling world of the individual and how coherently they express this world from their heart, not with overstated appreciation or soft sentiments, but rather the clear intelligence of emotional support unhindered by histories, memories, expectations, or judgments."
James, the author of "The Energetic Heart: Its Purpose in Human Destiny" wrote:
Feel yourself connected to your Creator at your heart but release the flow of Love that comes your way...'what comes to me, flows through me'."
You transmit this to all you do and do not know. There is no need for
words. Forgive, remove all conflict, and control your emotions. Your
out-breath and your feelings of compassion, gratitude, and appreciation
emit energy through your heart to those around you and to those you
think about.
Aunt - Mrs. Ernestine Robinson
Husband - Clement Edwardo Hill, II, Ph.D.
The members of our extended families can be identified through our
hearts. The Heart becomes invaluable in uniting us with our Divine
Origin known as the Great Central Sun, the Source and the Center of a
Galaxy and a Cosmos.
I offer a way for you to help yourself to
connect with all dimensions of Spirit...through Love at the heart’s
intelligence to the Divine Creator.
The above meditation mandala will be available soon.