
Artist Statement

llison Williams Hill, Creator of In(tuitive)-Vesica  Art   Design  Energy uses mixed media when creating art. The art on this page includes links to traditional and abstract art. She uses meditation, more Mind and less training as an artist, when creating the psychic art images.

She entered art pieces in The College of Psychic Studies' Inspiration from Isolation Art Competition in 2020 and the Healing Power of Art and Artists competition in 2022.

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Allison's first art lessons were with the Famous Artists School.  She attended the High School of Art and Design and studied architecture at Pratt Institute.  Allison learned psychic art at Delphi University of Spiritual Studies. She has enjoyed creating art for over forty years.

She currently lives in the United States.

Cane Garden Bay Mangrove by Allison L. Williams Hill

I enjoy touching color in different media from paints, pastels to fabrics and yarns. My mother bought paint-by-number oil paint sets  and I loved them! I expanded my tools over time from oil and water-based paints, to markers, crayons, inks, and soft pastels.

I learned to sew, knit and crochet at a young age. Yarns and fabrics are selected for their colors and textures. Combining different yarns created depth with shade and shadow in three- dimensional art-to-wear garments.

I learned drafting in high school and in college. Two and three-dimensional work in black and white and with color enabled me to produce my designs and renderings and work in various architectural offices. I traveled with a group headed by a college professor, mentor, and friend to sketch on-site in other countries, as I continued to do wherever I visited or lived since then.

My architectural education came in handy to draft my own drawings for my first patent.

With my spiritual studies, I learned psychic art. Entura, or “enter the aura” art, answers questions in meditation. I enjoy the psychic art and channeling, producing work that is significant for the receiver. Everything, from colors and positions on the page have meaning. It’s a marvel to take intuited cues, put soft pastel to page, and see what transpires.  The interpretations of the work are life-altering words from Spirit.   

Description of image Description of image Description of image Description of image
Hong Kong 1
Tokyo Park
Japan Stone Statues
Hong Kong Row Boat
Description of image Description of image Description of image Description of image
Brook in Schenectady, New York
Brooklyn Botanical Garden
Building Sketch
Pond and Stones Study
Description of image Description of image Description of image Description of image
Challis Well Steps
Challis Well Fountain
Queens Garden Fountain

Nature by Allison L. Williams Hill 

Links to Psychic Art Work

Like Merge with Buddha below, psychic art work requires no training and uses the Mind. One is prompted to do things and the results may be known during the execution of the drawing, and may not. It is an incredible way to create messages from Spirit.

Art Alien Friends

Art Ascension I

Art Celebration

Art Deeper Blue Dream

Art Gifts from Spirit

Art Nature II

Art Partnership

Art Prayer

Art Question

Art Spirit of the Island I

Art The Gathering

Art The Goddess Within

Art The Roam

Art The Sentinels

Art Thought

Art Merging

Art Spirit of the Island II

Art Voices

Art "…and the hearts became roses filled with diamond seeds."

Art Spirit is Here!

Art Merge with Krishna

Art Merge with Jesus

Art Merge with Buddha

Merge with Buddha by Allison L. Williams Hill, a psychic art piece

Offering Art Work

In addition  to gifting and creating art for customers, my art work is online at a  great resource where I offer my work through Festival Net called Art Wanted.

Sound by Allison L. Williams Hill





Color Healing

Soul Portraits

Soul Life Reading

Energy Reading




Color and Blood



In-Vesica Health Program Approach

In-Vesica 6 Month Integrated Health Program


The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

Visit Allison L. Williams Hill's In-Vesica Gallery Hosted by Art

Solo Build It!

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