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Delphi University of Spiritual Studies

I first attended Delphi in 2006 after a series of physical experiences. Even though I learned about the school several years before, those physical experiences brought me to their doorstep from the British Virgin Islands, mind you, not from New York where I lived at the time. This is the place where I acquired more knowledge to help myself and to assist others.

At the name implies, this site provides information to empower the individual. For the professional, Self offers a platform to share what you do.  David Riklan engages professionals to connect in joint ventures and affiliate relationships., Progressive Radio Network, is an online radio station for critical thinkers. There are no filler programs or commercials and it always, always helps that you are prepared to take notes. The network is supported by listeners.

Gary Null  Health Happiness Longevity, a dedicated site for his work, I believe, was created in 2020 and rightly so. His work required a dedicated website where all of his work could be accessed.  Dr. Null produced decades of research, information for those who want to be happy and healthy.

Gary Null's Vitamin Closet offers his inventions, his products that provide the highest and the best for  humans and fur babies. 

Vaccine, Preserving the Integrity of Vaccine Science and Journalism, is a website with correct information about the pharmaceutical industry and its consistent under-performance that rendered citizens, here and worldwide, sicker than before they began. The late President Ronald Reagan signed the Childhood Vaccine Protection Act in 1986 that protected the industry against lawsuits they were losing from people who suffered from the drugs they created the previous ten years. The industry threatened government to stop making vaccines (THAT WERE KILLING CHILDREN AND PEOPLE!!). It is interesting how the name of the law sounded like it was protecting our children when, in fact, it was protecting the industry that either destroyed their lives or killed them.  

Dr. Boyce Watkins created The Black Business School which educates people of African descent (no one is turned away) what we have not gotten otherwise. Europeans have benefited from wealth accumulation for centuries. The lands for plantations were distributed  for free or minimal cost. Whites enslaved Africans to work the fields. When the Emancipation Proclamation was read, many Africans and descendants did not know about it for several years after,  whites were compensated for the free labor they lost. The 24 million acres of free land for the railroads with 6 miles free and clear on both sides running through the north and not the south, for example, was given to rhich white men who made their money through slavery. Black slaves were moved to build the rails. Many died.  The Chinese and Japanese came to the United States when gold was found in California. They were used for labor - cheap labor - BUT AGREED AFTER GETTING CITIZENSHIP AND THEIR STATUS WAS GUARANTEED OVER BLACK PEOPLE WHO LIVED IN THIS COUNTRY AND WERE ENSLAVED MANY YEARS BEFORE THEIR APPEARANCE.

Wealth accumulation for Blacks is less now than it was in the decades post-slavery. It is dwindling; Dr. Watkins is dedicated to the purpose of improving the condition of Black people in the United States.

Wonderful PJ when he was a months-old puppy. 

Dr. Claud Anderson

Dr. Anderson is the consummate historian of economic wealth of Black people in the United States. 

"Dr. Claud Anderson is president of PowerNomics Corporation of America, Inc. and The Harvest Institute, Inc. PowerNomics is a company that publishes his books and produces multimedia presentations in which he explains his concept, PowerNomics. PowerNomics is the package of principles and strategies he developed to explain the concept of race and to offer a guide for Black America to become a more economically and politically competitive group in America.

Dr. Anderson’s book, PowerNomics: The National Plan to Empower Black America, incorporates and reflects his past experiences: his academic research, business experience, both as an owner and a capital provider, and his varied political positions. He has held the highest positions in federal and state government and politics. He was State Coordinator of Education for Florida under Governor Reubin Askew during the tumultuous period of the 1970s. After successful social reform projects in Florida and leading President Jimmy Carter’s Florida campaign to a win in the state, Carter appointed Anderson as the Federal Co-Chairman for a Commission of governors in the southeast states. In that position (rank of assistant secretary in the U.S. Department of Commerce), he chaired the commission, funded and directed economic development projects for the governors in those states. The projects he funded created jobs and businesses in those states. As executive director of two economic development corporations for the city of Miami, Florida, he oversaw funding of more than 30 businesses. Although he has been a political independent for many years, he was a major planner and coordinator for the 1988 Democratic Convention in Atlanta and has taught at all levels of education.

Dr. Anderson is also president of The Harvest Institute, a nationally recognized think tank that does research, policy development, education and advocacy to increase the self-sufficiency of Black America. Dr. Anderson’s books, Black Labor, White Wealth: A Search for Power and Economic Justice and PowerNomics: The National Plan, are the foundation for Harvest Institute programs.

His books, including his most recent, More Dirty Little Secrets about Black History , which he authored with his son Brant, have all been best sellers and are used as textbooks in many universities and high schools."

I did not learn about Dr. Anderson until 2014. He has been working on reparations for the descendants of enslaved African people.  Dr. Anderson has  videos that record his responses to the current affairs of the day.

Ancestral Voices' creators, Verona and Dalian Odofo have experienced the lack of African spirituality  documentation. They are producing the information in various media to help the African diaspora learn and practice what was "scrubbed."

Europeans were observant to know which people to eliminate from among Africans to guarantee enslavement. The strongest were killed as well as those who appeared to give solace in a ritual manner. Their deaths ensured the total capitulation of the survivors, until the next generations of descendants.

As Dalian Odofo said in one of their videos, African spirituality was acutely aware of what science recently labeled epigenetics, that the environment affects gene expression and the multiple generation memory of DNA.  This knowledge was integral with African spirituality for centuries.

I don't plan to submit my DNA to any service to determine where my family came from in Africa. I plan to study aspects of all 54African countries on the continent. I believe, epigenetically, I am a part of all of them. The cumulative knowledge of my genes from environments spans many places and my heritage, as expressed in me physically, is not limited to a particular country.

American Society of Dowsers
I attended my first and only convention at Danville, Vermont in 1992 after returning from the UK where I attended a Crop Circle conference. Experienced dowsers came from all over, willing to share their abilities.

Though the field has basic skills and dowsers use the abilities for basic things such as, searching which could range from water to people as an example, each one developed them differently.

Take a look at the subjects on the web site to get an idea. It has a plethora of books that address various methods of dowsing and its applications. The Journal is something to treasure because of the growing body of work from experienced dowsers.

The Toronto Dowsers
I was a member of this organization for a few years. Their monthly newsletter is always packed with useful information covering subjects that helper-type people look for.

Marilyn Gang, the Head Honcho, sends emails beyond the newsletter that are informative and insightful.

The newsletter is published on the web each month, however, you reap incredible benefits if you join, assisting them in providing this asset.
The editor's slogan is "The Freedom of Knowledge, the Power of Thought." When I print some of the articles, I pass them on to others who may never have heard of this site. is all about taking responsibility and maintaining our freedom. I didn't see anything current since 2017, however, the information that is there is  relevant and should be read.





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