BVI Handcrafts Association


 ran for president of the BVI Handcrafts Association because I thought that I could contribute to the organization. The association existed for some years although nobody could tell me for how long. All but one of the members were women. They were gifted crafts people.

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One made dolls and had a store on Main Street in Road Town. A ceramist created wonderful pottery and had her store in one of the traditional structures on Main Street in Road Town which was a tremendous thing: her shop was within an historically significant building that preserved the traditional construction method before concrete was available.


Merge with Krishna by Allison L. Williams Hill

Another woman focused on crocheting. She was, I believe, the oldest member. The range of her work  was wonderful to look at.  They were interested in growing and expanding the organization. They wanted to teach, to involve children,  and increase exposure to the tourism industry so that they could increase revenue.

I shared the idea to have their crafts at different markets throughout the territory.  There were many tourist destinations and having all of one’s inventory in one  place seemed  self-defeating.


SD Soul Portrait by Allison L. Williams Hill

The association was instrumental and very fortunate to have received a grant with which art material was purchased. A central physical place for classes and display was never realized but each individual had space where they produced their products. 

There was a somewhat different attitude in this group. I was the only ex-pat. When I chaired meetings and asked for ideas, they were shared. This went on for a few months. I shared this with my husband who, at the time, was my boyfriend.  He ripped me a new one. He informed me that they expected me to act on them. He suggested assigning the sharer with the suggestion. Tell them it was a great idea and discuss what they can pursue and report on for the next meeting.

During that meeting, I shared that their intent to have me advance their ideas assumed that I had nothing to do. I told them what I did: I wrote ads for the architectural design business and designed homes.


BVI Handcrafts Association Brochure

The attendees agreed that it would be a good idea to attract member support.  The cover of the trifold was a drawing of two hands, one hand pouring a fluid into the right hand. The right hand held a object the fluid was forming: a pyramid. The healing side was pouring energy to the manifestation side.  The pyramid represented the ancestral connection to their creativity. The brochure included the mission, the goal and levels of donations to support the association. Some of the brochures were distributed.  There were well-wishers but no signers.

I resigned after six months. I felt that it was the best for all. The suggestions were never worked on. It felt that if I was not going to do the work it was not going to get done.

What is Psychic Art?

Psychic art involves entering a meditative state and communicating with Spirit. Similar to channeled writing, A form of psychic art, Entura or "enter the aura" art is automatic and uses color. There is little "thinking" involved. Art itself uses the left brain for technique and psychic art requires none of this knowledge. In fact, the beauty of this is that no prior art experience is necessary.

Entura means "enter the aura." A person accesses the subtle energy plane and the feelings sensed from there take on form and color. Using meditation and writing, the drawing is interpreted for its use of color, shapes, and images that appear.

Entura art can:

    Answer questions, and

    Assist you in deepening to find answers within yourself.

Entura art is an interesting and exciting way to connect with the multiple levels of our being. The interpretation of the image could provide relevant messages and can be used for meditation. I would be happy to create an image for you based on a question or on your energy reading. Other images are displayed at In-Vesica. "Do All Things In-Vesica."

As with all intuitive orders, Soul Portraits will be meditated on and created in the order the request was received. I suggest you email me first at In-Vesica contact form below to see what orders are in place before you order.

I can inform you of approximately how long it will take to develop the portrait. Once payment is received, you will be told, via email, of the finish date and when it will be digitally available.

Personal Healing Mandala Art

The healing mandala will be specific to your needs at this time. You may use it for meditation. You will be provided with instructions about how to use it. If you’d like to talk, we can arrange a time for you to call me. However, the call will not be for intuitive visionary healing unless it is specifically requested beforehand.

You may request a healing mandala created in accordance with your question. It is understood that this may be a timely issue, therefore, a digital product is provided. If the physical art work is desired, add $7.00 (seven dollars) for shipping and handling.

Personal Healing Mandala for $75.00


CH Soul Portrait by Allison L. Williams Hill

Soul Portrait

Soul Portrait is the most in-depth of all of the art images because of vastness of a soul. A soul portrait is information that draws from everything the soul did in all of its lifetimes. The information that comes is what is relevant to the person in this time, at this time.

Art work will show graphically and energetically what you need to know at this time. This art can be used for meditation as well. The image is presented with a written interpretation. The time it would take varies per client; an average amount of time is four weeks. A digital image can be forwarded, however, the physical art will be shipped.

As with all intuitive orders, Soul Portraits will be meditated on and created in the order the request was received.

I can inform you of approximately how long it will take to develop the portrait. Once the deposit is received, you will be told, via email, of the finish date and when it will be digitally available. The original will be mailed. Shipping is included in the fee.

Soul Portrait for $125.00

Unique Birthday Cards

These Birthday Cards show an answer from Spirit for the birthday of the client. The image is drawn on 8" x 10" charcoal paper; the text is printed on card stock with colors to give the impression of an ancient text.

Please request a card at least two weeks before the birthday in order to ensure the opportunity to present it in a timely manner.

Birthday Card for $45.00










The Master

Living Altars


Ceremonies of the Church

Changes in Consciousness


Color Healing




Energy Body

Energy Life Reading



In-Vesica Health Program Approach

In-Vesica 6 Month Integrated Health Program


Creative Caregiving and Health



Visit Allison L. Williams Hill's In-Vesica Gallery Hosted by Art

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