
The Energies of the Seasons

all is my favorite time of the year.

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With Clem, Third Drawing by Allison L. Williams Hill

The idea of drawing the Energies of the Fall using psychic art came as the leaves were turning in 2018. Fall is beautiful. My wedding band was selected because it has three gold colors, like fall. News shows include peak color changes. The air changes. Cool temperatures touch the body signalling greater skin cover. I always thought that my expression would be in color, of course, but the medium was completely different.

I saw Yarn Harmony at Smiley's sale while visiting Manhattan.  No taxes. And the prices were less than online prices. I saw it online and was not impressed at all. I saw the sign, which was not in the sale advertisement, looked in the box and picked up a pack. I was amazed by the colors. Bronze with gold! Gold! Orange! A little violet! Pumpkin! I saw  adding color chenille to it and creating solid color items with this multi-colored yarn for accents. A yarn's colors turned out to be my expression for the Energies of Fall.   

I resumed knitting after reading an article headline "Knitting Believed to Relieve Stress." I laughed because I needed the reminder. I completed two sweaters for my sister, promised years ago. Next is a sweater for a friend using my hybrid method. Others have asked for items.  I doubt they will get them until the latter part of 2019. 

Yarn using simple crochet.

Yarn using stockinette stitch.

Shapes of Fall

Lovely, wonderful colors! This is inspiring. 

A Meditation

Center. Relax. Take a deep breath. Let it out. Do it for as many times as you feel you need.

Say in your mind:

“Creator, I have a problem. I place it in Your energy to resolve.”

Take a deep breath in. Let it out through the mouth or the nose. Take another.

Say in your mind,

“It is resolved.”


If there is more than one problem:

Say in your mind:

“Creator, I have several problems. I place them in Your energy to resolve.”

Take a deep breath in. Let it out through the mouth. Take another.

Say in your mind as you release the last of the breath,

“They are resolved.”


I find it difficult to accept that the Creator can only handle one issue at a time. There could be common elements within the problems, besides yourself, that we do not see. All would not exist as it does if one thing was done at a time. Therefore, I ask that ALL issues, and I do think they are related, are contended with simultaneously. 





Energy Life Reading



Residential Interiors and Creative Caregiving

Feng Shui





The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

Visit Allison L. Williams Hill's In-Vesica Gallery Hosted by Art Wanted.com

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