The Church

Part 2 - Temples

 visited Daitoku-ji Temple built in 800AD. Still standing as it was originally built. Did a couple of sketches. I took several pictures. Took full almost advantage of the opportunity as it is rare pictures can be taken in a temple. I say almost because I found out later that there was another building with Buddha in it. I regret having left too soon but just as well, because they believe the spirit of the Buddha is taken when a photo is taken of it. Mikah, the daughter of the head of the school, was very gracious in allowing us to take pictures. I got pictures of details, roofs, the extraordinary gardens.
I, unfortunately, listened to a person who was no authority on temples and gave the priest an extra.

June 8, 1984
Hong Kong, Japan On-Site Sketch Tour
Daitoku-ji Temple, Kyoto 

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Daitokuji Temple, Kyoto, Japan

from "By Centres Of Magnetism" from The Hidden Sides of Things by C.W. Leadbetter

I have been taking Christian fanes as an example, because they are those which are most familiar to me-- which will also be most familiar to the majority of my readers; also perhaps because Christianity is the religion which has made a special point of devotion, and has, more than any other, arranged for the simultaneous expression of it in special buildings erected for that purpose. Among Hindus the Vaishnavite has a devotion quite as profound
as that of any Christian, though unfortunately it is often tainted by expectation of favours to be given in return. But the Hindu has no idea of anything like combined worship. Though on great festivals enormous crowds attend the temples, each person makes his little prayer or goes through his little ceremony for himself, and so he misses the enormous additional effect which is produced by simultaneous action.

Regarded solely from the point of view of charging the walls of the temple with devotional influence, this plan differs from the other in a way that we
may perhaps understand by taking a physical illustration of a number of sailors pulling at a rope. We know that, when that is being done, a sort of chant is generally used in order to ensure that the men shall apply their
strength at exactly the same moment; and in that way a much more effective pull is produced than would be achieved if each man put out exactly the same strength, but applied it just when he felt that he could, and without any relation to the work of the others.

Nevertheless as the years roll by there comes to be a strong feeling in a Vaishnavite temple-- as strong perhaps as that of the Christians, though quite different in kind. Different again in quite another way is the impression
produced in the great temples dedicated to Shiva. In such a shrine as that at Madura, for example, an exceedingly powerful influence radiates from the holy of holies. It is surrounded by a strong feeling of reverential awe, almost of fear, and this so deeply tinges the devotion of the crowds who come to worship that the very aura of the place is changed by it.

Completely different again is the impression which surrounds a Buddhist temple. Of fear we have there absolutely no trace whatever. We have perhaps less of direct devotion, for to a large extent devotion is replaced by gratitude. The prominent radiation is always one of joyfulness and love-- an utter absence of anything dark or stern.

Another complete contrast is represented by the Muhammadan mosque;
devotion of a sort is present there also, but it is distinctly a militant devotion,
and the particular impression that it gives one is that of a fiery determination.
One feels that this population' s comprehension of their creed may be limited,
but there is no question whatever as to their dogged determination to hold by it.

Synagogue, Orangeburg, South Carolina by Allison L. Williams Hill

The Jewish synagogue again is like none of the others, but has a feeling which is quite distinct, and curiously dual-- exceptionally materialistic on one side, and on the other full of a strong, pathetic longing for the return of vanished glories.

Church References

Bushby, Tony, November 2006, The Criminal History of the Papacy Part 1 of 3, NEXUS Magazine [DECEMBER 2006 – JANUARY 2007] pp. 33-40

Bushby, Tony, December 2006, The Criminal History of the Papacy Part 2 of 3, NEXUS Magazine [FEBRUARY - MARCH 2007] pp. 41-48; 77-79

Bushby, Tony, December 2006, The Criminal History of the Papacy Part 3 of 3, NEXUS Magazine [APRIL - MAY 2007] pp. 49-55;79

Related Articles

Coppens, Phillip, Power Struggles and Murder in the Vatican, NEXUS Magazine [AUGUST – SEPTEMBER 2011] pp.53-57, 83

Bushby, Tony, March 2007, The Forged Origins of the New Testament, NEXUS Magazine [JUNE – JULY 2007] 53 -59, 80



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