
Celebrate the Life You Have

elebrate! Celebrate! It is a time to be alive!  Consider: you are here in this world because you have a part of the answer. We're working on puzzles, pieces to answer the Whys, the Whats, the Whos, and to do, to correct, another word for "to perform miracles." 

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A correction is as simple as smiling to a person you do not know or, in something that happened to me, accepting a flower from someone on the subway.  The offer took me completely by surprise. 

Celebration by Allison L. Williams Hill

`Heartlight by Allison L. Williams Hill

And if you not pleased with it...working on a way to change it?

Remember when you were a child and asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  

That question focused mainly on a career, about work and earning a living.  It did not, nor was it apparently meant to, address an overall place of being in which the career was a part of rather than the focus of existence.

How do you want to live?

As an engineer-

As an architect-

As a journalist-

As a quantum physicist.

What do you want to be when you grow up?




Rich beyond imagination-

Fully capable of supporting myself and my family doing anything I want to do.

The answers are not interchangeable.

The question was common during a time when people mainly focused on working to earn a living.  It was taken for granted that they would be happy if they were productive.  How do you want to live?  Choosing a profession or a trade to focus one’s life around may not be the best way to create a life.  Why couldn’t it be choosing a life that included the way to support it?  Wouldn’t there be more happier people if the pursuit were changed?  …Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

You know when it is too late to change your mind or your course...

is when your body is horizontal or cremated.  Unless you know someone who was buried vertically.

My mother's cakes and flowers at her eighty sixth birthday celebration!

Celebrate the Love in your life, from whomever and wherever it comes. It does not end with the crossing over of a loved one.  It is always there.

The Love of my life and Spirit, Clem.

 Family Celebration!

So cute! Celebrate!


Get a free 50 minute Health History.  Go to Health for details.



Living Altars

Altar Within


Energy Body

Past Life Regression

Soul Life Reading

Soul Portraits

The Necessity for Love



In-Vesica Health Program Approach

In-Vesica 6 Month Integrated Health Program


Chakra Energy Channels


The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

Visit Allison L. Williams Hill's In-Vesica Gallery Hosted by Art Wanted.com

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