Renovation and Rehabilitation

ll additions, renovations and rehabilitation are about change. The goal of the change might be financial, physical, emotional, or spiritual. There are several words that are used frequently in architectural and interior design in this web site. One of them is "change." When researching the purchase of an existing home, consider adding additions, doing renovations or rehabilitation for possibilities of changing the envelope.

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Physically changing the existing structure, adding on or altering in any degree, affords the customer less construction time and earlier occupancy. You can enhance an overlooked asset or highlight an underutilized quality.

On the other hand, there may be adequate room sizes but too little light, or spaces appear too confining, or there is less than desirable air circulation.

Phased programming separates the tradesmen from the members of the household as much as possible to diminish, if not eliminate, interference. As one lives in the home, one can see during that time what can be added or
removed to make a home more enjoyable. Any positive improvement increases the home's value. Home improvement shows may dispute this. However, if it adds to the occupant's enjoyment, it is worth it.

Some of these changes can be made without the help of a professional if all of what the change impacts are foreseen and accommodated. For those that require outside help, a seasoned opinion might be a good idea for effects and affects, suitable approaches and materials, and efficiency.

Some people comment about how they wish they had a home like someone else. It would be interesting if they thoroughly examined if that home could work for them.

How do they use space or consider how their life would be in ten or twenty years? Will there be children?

Will there be grandchildren? Will there be a business? Will entertaining be done in small informal groups or with grand scale pizzazz?

Will there be a need for bedrooms for only family or possible visitors? Have they traveled around the world and wish to exhibit their collection in a special room or throughout the home?

Instead of limiting a love for plants to pots, would they wish to create planting areas within the home? Is there a desire to hear water fall within the house? Is a style of architecture more attractive than another?

Will there be? If so, what type?

Hill Residence Addition
Josiah's Bay, Tortola, British Virgin Islands

This home improvement project grew from 2 levels to 4 to create more interior and exterior space to take advantage of the serenity and beauty of the site.

The owner planted more trees successfully concealing the home from view along the main road.

The various levels define spatial activity. The lower parking level is separated by a small veranda from the areas dedicated to professional use. New work included building a bungalow that has the feel of a self-contained studio.

The gazebo at the northernmost end of the property was also the highest point overlooking the roofs below down to Josiah's Bay. The lowest level served as sleeping quarters, exercise, and meditation space. One could access the east and west sides of the parcel through this space.

Visitors commented on the peace and serenity they felt when at this site. The above image looks over the bungalow's roof towards Josiah's Bay and beyond to the Atlantic Ocean on the north side of Tortola Island.



Residential Interiors and Creative Caregiving

Feng Shui



Modern Cities

Disaster Preparedness


Living Altars


Past Life Regression


Viktor Schauberger

Theodor Schwenk


In-Vesica Health Program Approach

In-Vesica 6 Month Integrated Health Program


The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

Visit Allison L. Williams Hill's Art Gallery.

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