

he has flames of gold and silver, lavender and white flashing through your body. Burning, flash at times in other places. Your body and face are becoming her body and face and the more deeply you disappear, the more you are there.

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Once you are completely consumed, you disappeared entirely into the Divine Mother and now as the flames burn brighter and purer consuming more and more, even the illusion of the Holy Mother is integrating... both images existing simultaneously.


Feminine Energy by Allison L. Williams Hill

The images that I am now seeing, it brought me back to when the stars began to swirl around you. They formed almost a vortex, a womb of light. While the individual stars remained clear ad remained colorful, and it was as if the universe swirled around you and you traveled through it, one galaxy after another, over and over, back and through. And now as the stars move around you, suddenly one star would get very bright and shoot a beam to specific parts of your body.

The only place they are not shooting directly into is the abdominal womb area. But all the light that enters the body is going TO that area. It amplifies where it is first then it starts traveling other pathways of light filling that very area. I feel like that area is beginning to swirl with energy. The swirl is moving outward, white, lavender, specks of gold and silver...specks of gold, threads of silver, like a tornado or vortex. It's widest around your womb or abdominal area and then it's drawing out darkness and negativity. And it's stretching further and further out til it's connecting to what I call a Crack in the Universe where you can see the Pure Light of God. And it's releasing all that negativity.

They ask you to take deep breathes and as you exhale, just release, relax and let go. Just let the darkness from anywhere in your body, your being, your spirit, your consciousness, pass through...the womb and abdominal area and just go out into the swirling vortex of light and keep releasing the darkness, and releasing the darkness.

And the vortex is still centered on the abdominal and womb area but it's like it's extending. I want to call it a secondary vortex but it's not. It's extended energy, swirling around and it's getting wider until it's encompassing your whole body and beyond.


The Goddess Within by Allison L. Williams Hill

It's drawing negativity, darkness, illusion, limitations, separation, and disbelief,
belief, anything that is other than God, it's drawing it out of you. They've repeated over and over to me that this is the natural state of healing after the last one you that have been through.


Spiritual Elevation by Allison L. Williams Hill

When we deal with the illusion of Death head on, face our fear, move through it, we come out the other side and realize death is nothing more than transformation, evolution, transmutation. Death is becoming... Death is birth just as birth is Death and birth is becoming.

What Is Psychic Art?

Psychic art involves entering a meditative state and communicating with Spirit. Similar to channeled writing, A form of psychic art, Entura or "enter the aura" art is automatic and uses color. There is little "thinking" involved. Art itself uses the left brain for technique and psychic art requires none of this knowledge. In fact, the beauty of this is that no prior art experience is necessary.

Entura means "enter the aura." A person accesses the subtle energy plane and the feelings sensed from there take on form and color. Using meditation and writing, the drawing is interpreted for its use of color, shapes, and images that appear.

Entura art can:

Answer questions, and

Assist you in deepening to find answers within yourself.

Entura art is an interesting and exciting way to connect with the multiple levels of our being. The interpretation of the image could provide relevant messages and can be used for meditation. I would be happy to create an image for you based on a question or on your energy reading. Other images are displayed at In-Vesica. "Do All Things In-Vesica."

As with all intuitive orders, Soul Portraits will be meditated on and created in the order the request was received. I suggest you email me first at In-Vesica contact form below to see what orders are in place before you order.

I can inform you of approximately how long it will take to develop the portrait. Once payment is received, you will be told, via email, of the finish date and when it will be digitally available.


Merge with Krishna by Allison L. Williams Hill

Meditation Question

A meditation question is given by the client. A written response is produced, the image is drawn and then interpreted.

You may request a healing mandala created in accordance with your question. It is understood that this may be a timely issue, therefore, a digital product is provided. If the physical art work is desired, see note above for shipping and handling.

Meditation Question for $65.00

Personal Healing Mandala Art

The healing mandala will be specific to your needs at this time. You may use it for meditation. You will be provided with instructions about how to use it. If you’d like to talk, we can arrange a time for you to call me. However, the call will not be for intuitive visionary healing unless it is specifically requested beforehand.

You may request a healing mandala created in accordance with your question. It is understood that this may be a timely issue, therefore, a digital product is provided. If the physical art work is desired, add $7.00 (seven dollars) for shipping and handling.

Personal Healing Mandala for $75.00

Soul Portrait

Soul Portrait is the most in-depth of all of the art images because of vastness of a soul. A soul portrait is information that draws from everything the soul did in all of its lifetimes. The information that comes is what is relevant to the person in this time, at this time.

Art work will show graphically and energetically what you need to know at this time. This art can be used for meditation as well. The image is presented with a written interpretation. The time it would take varies per client; an average amount of time is four weeks. A digital image can be forwarded, however, the physical art will be shipped.

As with all intuitive orders, Soul Portraits will be meditated on and created in the order the request was received. I can inform you of approximately how long it will take to develop the portrait. Once the deposit is received, you will be told, via email, of the finish date and when it will be digitally available. The original will be mailed. Shipping is included in the fee.

Soul Portrait for $125.00

Unique Birthday Cards

These Birthday Cards show an answer from Spirit for the birthday of the client. The image is drawn on 8" x 10" charcoal paper; the text is printed on card stock with colors to give the impression of an ancient text.

Please request a card at least two weeks before the birthday in order to ensure the opportunity to present it in a timely manner.

Unique Birthday Card for $45.00

I suggest you email me first at

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to see what orders are in place before you order.

I can inform you of approximately how long it will take to develop the portrait.

Once the deposit is received, you will be told, via email, of the finish date and when it will be digitally available.

The original will be mailed. Shipping varies.



Living Altars


Past Life Regression

The Necessity for Love



Fourth Dimension

Higher World

The Master



Will Power

Violet Flame of Transmutation


In-Vesica Health Program Approach

In-Vesica 6 Month Integrated Health Program



Visit Allison L. Williams Hill's In-Vesica Gallery Hosted by Art

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