Rudolf Steiner

he brilliance of this man to obtain credentials to bring forth information that would otherwise be labeled as quackery, is a lesson for us all. This information withstood time and its significance is even more vital because of "Climate Engineering," shredding the ozone layer; filling the atmosphere with contaminated blood; aluminum, and other unnatural products that, as written by Dane Wigington of,  "From countless directions climate engineering is pushing the human race and all life on Earth toward mathematically certain near term total extinction." The rain brings all of these substances into the soil affecting all flora and fauna. I pray that Dr. Steiner's Biodynamic Preps can change the course of this assault.

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The small series of lectures from Dr. Steiner greatly impacted farming and helped to balance nature. The spiritual integration of his work could not be ignored. I appreciate the fact that Dr. Steiner realized that he was vulnerable to ridicule and took the steps to certify himself according to the rigorous requirements of his most vocal detractors. It may be the reason many of us are here: we realize how important Spirit is to our existence, science included.

"In pervading the air, this chemical either imparts what lives within it to the air and we become aware of what we call the tone.” (1)

“The air with its vibrating waves is nothing but the outer body of the tone. In the human being , this tone, this “spiritual” tone, is not produced in the air-organism through the moral ideal, but in the fluid organism. The sources of tone, therefore, arise in the fluid organism- etheric body.” (2) 

Moral Ideals

Stimulate the warmth-organism producing in the air-organism sources of Light producing in the fluid-organism sources of Tone producing in the solid-organism seeds of Life (etheric). (3)

Theoretical Thoughts

Cool down the warmth-organism, paralyze the sources of Light deaden the sources of Tone extinguish Life. (4)

From Secrets of the Soil, by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird: Biodynamic preparations by Steiner used natural composts inoculated with products of certain processed and revivifying herbs.
“These he selected to help microorganisms quickly decompose the raw organic matter of the compost heap into simple compounds, reassembling them into ingredients of a long-lasting, earth-smelling, dark brown, light-textured friable humus, a substance which, because of its colloidal state, holds its structure, resists leaching, helps fix nitrogen directly from the air and increase availability of minerals to plants…” (5) 

The Preps

Preparation 500

manure in cow’s horns buried throughout winter months. Quarter cup stirred in 3 gallons of rain water revives 1 acre of land, used in conjunction with regular biodynamic practices: rotation, composting, double digging.

Prep 501
Quartz crystal grounded, buried throughout the summer. A quarter teaspoon in 3 gallons of rain or plain water stirred for 1 hour in alternating motions, is sprayed when appropriate. (Me) Steiner’s process did not include singing in the mix. I propose using the scale but more specifically, using the chakra chant scale with the vowel sounds attributed to the seven main chakras, backwards and forwards.

Prep 502
Yarrow is stuffed in a buck deer’s bladder. This is kept in for several months.

Prep 503
Chamomile is stuffed in a bovine intestine and buried throughout the winter season in a sunny spot.

Prep 504
Stinging nettle is buried in iron netting or peat moss.

Prep 505
Oak tree bark, preferably, white oak, is ground up and placed in the skull of a domestic animal- cow, pig, goat, or sheep. It’s covered in earth under peat moss, irrigated with water until it is covered with slime.

Prep 506
Dandelion stuffed in a cow’s mesentery. The inner side and buried throughout winter months.

Prep 507
Valerian blossoms juice

Prep 508
Garden horsetail- strong tea sprayed on plants and trees in spring and summer to work against molds.

I like the intense energy of the preparations, however throughout reading (since late 1970s) and now, it is known that the earth has been traversed for millions of years by animals. I am not aware that any of this has ever been a problem for vegans. Manure from animals, entrails and other parts used as vesicles for the preps give an energy that draws from all parts. How about the practice of mixing animal blood with soil? Does this violate what vegans believe and practice?

Colloidal state- the state of a solute when its molecules are not present as separate entities, as in a true solution, but are grouped together to form solute “particles” and carry a resultant negative charge (usually). The colloidal state enables the human body membranes directly to absorb essential mineral elements without the need for processing. “Every cell of the human body is made of colloids arranged to form specific functions- colloidal particles are so small and, therefore, such a large surface area- a teaspoon of particles has a surface area greater than a football field…they generate surface energies that have powerful effects on physical and chemical reactions.” (6)

See Energy and the Body

Henry Coanda the “Coanda Effect” “we are what we drink”...

"When a living organism takes in water it structures it into a composition with a high percentage of octagonal liquid crystals and a very low percentage of unorganized molecules done by high energy colloids. “ Colloidal particles act as tiny ‘seeds’ of energy, charged to attract free-roving water molecules, and thus, form the nuclei of liquid crystals. To do this, the colloid requires a high electrical charge. In living systems, the charge is retained by being protected by a coating of gelatin, albumin, or collagen.” (8)

“Another force causes water molecules to form long complex structures known as hydrogen bonds. These enable water to wet surfaces…a force that can be strengthened or weakened by structuring the water’s internal composition.” 

These 2 properties offered info on how to duplicate Hunza water. The potentization of BD 500 is a homeopathic process. The constant stirring is like succession. Colloids do not dissolve. The particles remain suspended oscillating vortices – shrink in diameter. Elongate then “…expand in diameter and shorten in a periodic manner.”

BD 500 gets its energy- hydrogen bonds are subject to such stress like rubber bands- at which point they absorb planetary forces, which, as the molecule snaps back into shape are retained and energize the molecule. Pour crystal water on the seeds. 

Seed Colloidals

Multinational corporations are (have been) acquiring seed companies. They patent the strain for resistance to pests and fungi. Some moved into genetic engineering. Monsanto is the biggest offender. The film Food, Inc. showed a farmer being confronted legally for washing his seeds. 


1. Steiner, Rudolf, Bridge Between Universal Spirituality and the Physical Constitution of Man, 1920 JFD 78-191[R], P. 14

2. ditto, P. 39
3. ditto P.37
4. ditto p. 3
5. ditto P. 96-97
6. ditto P. 103
7. ditto P. 103 




Disaster Preparedness


Food and Color

Food and Energy

Color and Blood


Color Healing


Past Life Regression


Viktor Schauberger

Theodor Schwenk


Violet Flame of Transmutation

Water Energy

Healing Water


The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

Visit Allison L. Williams Hill's In-Vesica Gallery Hosted by Art

Now That Your Eyes Are Open

Looking West on Drake's Highway, Tortola towards the Caribbean Sea by Allison L. Williams Hill

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Gifts from Spirit Discernment

Gifts from Spirit Prophesy

Gifts from Spirit blank note cards coming soon!

Doesn't the dormouse in the heather appear to be smiling? I found out from the Comedy Wild Life Photography Awards web site that Mr. Andrea Zampatti is the photographer.  Please visit his website for more fascinating images that he was in the right place at the right time to capture.


When time permits, I intend to hold drawings to create 

  • an intuitive visionary healing tape, or
  • a soul life reading, or
  • an energy reading 

for the winners whose names are drawn for each. To enter, your name and email address will be required. It will be added to a mailing list to receive updates about In-Vesica. In-Vesica will post the art work on this web site and in other publications.  

Services explains what is involved in creating these helpful tools. The images will be displayed at In-Vesica and the In-Vesica Art Gallery.

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Article: What is Psycho-ecological Design?

Article: Peace Be Your Sanctuary

Energetic Healing




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Message from Advarti

Advarti is an extraterrestrial, a member of a group called The Ring. They are beings who are interested in Earth's and its people's progress. 
