here are minor chakras distributed throughout the body, approximately 3 inches in diameter, and 1 inch distant from the body's surface. They occur where, according to Brennan, energy strands cross each other 14 times. Smaller vortices exist where the energy strands cross each other only 7 times, and may correspond to energy work; acupuncture, and accupressure. Later, an illustration showing meridians under chakras will be created to examine this.
There are minor chakras at:
Beyond the 7 major and the 21 minor chakras there are 49 smaller centers called the esotericists. I have come across information that said the human body's etheric field contains thousands of energy centers.
More minor chakras are being identified. I agreed to create the Google website "Now is the Time for the Chakra System to Come to Earth" to offer a forum in which intuitives could list their information. I have moved that web site into this one. According to the channeled information, maximized use of the energy system can facilitate greater healing daily, reversing quantitatively and qualitatively. Knowledge of the entire chakra system, beyond the seven major chakras, will increase understanding of what the chakras actually do and how they perform.
Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light, Bantam New Age Books, 1988
Alice Bailey, Esoteric Healing, LUCIS Trust
The above meditation mandala will be available soon.